Our Purpose Statement

"Claimed by grace, we seek to welcome all, worship joyfully, grow spiritually and share God's love."

Our Mission Statement

In love we proclaim Jesus Christ to the world. We affirm faith in God through community life as reflected in our joyful fellowship of word and sacrament. With the help of the Holy Spirit we enthusiastically witness to and embrace all of God's Creation.

Our Vision Statement

Prince of Peace is a community that exists to INVITE people to faith and INSPIRE people with God's love so that they may GROW in faith and SHARE their gifts with integrity in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our Value Statement

Prince of Peace is a Christian community that exists to reflect God's love and forgiveness for all people as revealed in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are committed to...

WORSHIP as a joyful experience of communion with God through Word, Sacrament,
music and Christian community.

WELCOMING all people, especially children and adolescents, regardless of
where they are on their spiritual journey.

LEARNING as a life-long process to increase each person's confidence and joy in Jesus Christ through prayer, bible study and active service in our church, community and world.

LEADERSHIP that is inspired by the Holy Spirit and shared by our Pastors, staff and lay leaders as we
strive to live as a 
Christian community with integrity.

Our understanding of our stated value of “welcoming all people” leads us to proclaim that we are a Christian congregation called to unite people from diverse backgrounds, enabling them to grow in the love of Jesus Christ. We therefore respond to the vision to which God has called us – to proclaim this good news and to welcome into full membership in our congregation all people without regard to cultural or ethnic backgrounds, physical or mental abilities, family status, sexual orientation, gender identity or age. We pledge to ourselves and all others that we will strive to live as a reconciling people in our life together and in our outreach to the world. This affirmation leads us to a commitment to ensure that the decisions and actions of our congregation will be based, without bias, upon the Christ-driven spirit of being an all-encompassing body of believers.